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Diamond Cut

What Does a Diamond’s Cut Mean?
How many surfaces does a diamond have, you ask? The term “cut” describes how well-balanced a diamond’s proportions are and how its facets are arranged to produce sparkle and brightness. What is the ratio of the diamond’s depth to its diameter, for instance? The diamond’s beauty and cost are determined by these minute but crucial elements.
Are you unsure of the ideal diamond cut? Everything Begins With Your Budget.
No one diamond is ideal for everyone, but all of our customers want as much brilliance as their budget will allow, whether they are considering a.50-carat or a 16-carat stone. The 4Cs—cut, color, clarity, and carat—have the most bearing on a diamond’s appeal and shine. If the cut is excessively shallow or deep, even a diamond with a perfect clarity grade (no flaws or inclusions) will appear glassy or dull. So, when selecting a diamond, opt for the best-cut grade you can manage.
Neptune Blvd Provides Four Cut Grades.

Ideal: This uncommon cut is in the top 3% of all diamond cuts. Most of the light that enters the diamond is reflected by it.

Very Good: This cut falls into the top 15% of all diamond cuts. It costs less and reflects almost as much light as the optimal cut.

The diamonds in the Astor collection by Neptunes Boulevard are designed to capture and reflect as much light as possible. They fulfill strict quality standards, exhibit exceptional brilliance, fire, and scintillation, and are cut from the finest raw material (rough stones with as few imperfections or inclusions as possible). Additionally to being GIA graded.

We Don’t Offer “Fair” Or “Poor” Diamond Cuts on Neptunes Boulevard

Neptunes Blvd does not sell fair or bad cuts, which make up about 35% of the market for diamonds. Low-cut grade diamonds frequently have a glassy or dull appearance, or they may just be too small, and they don’t meet our standards for excellent quality at a reasonable price.
Grade System
View the cut grade chart below or use the slider to see the specifics of the cut grade.
The “Excellent” cut grade rating from the GIA and the “Ideal” cut grade at Neptunes Blvd are identical.

For the highest cut rating in round brilliant diamonds, Neptunes Blvd uses the term Ideal while the GIA uses the phrase Excellent. These two terms can be used interchangeably to refer to the cutting technique, proportions, and finish required to emphasize the sparkle, brilliance, and beauty of a diamond.

While the diamond industry has long-standing proportion combinations that enhance light performance, the GIA has only established cut parameters for round brilliant cut diamonds. Based on the table and depth percentages of non-round (fancy shaped) diamonds, Neptunes Blvd estimates and assigns cut grade requirements.

Superior Brilliance, Fire, And Scintillation Are the Marks Of A Well-Cut Diamond.

White light is reflected to create brilliance.
Light disperses into the rainbow’s colors like fire.

Scintillation is the sparkle created by the interaction of dark and light areas.

The Composition Of A Diamond
Table: A gemstone’s biggest facets

The top part of a diamond, from the girdle to the table, is known as the crown.

Girdle: The point where the crown and pavilion converge to form a diamond’s circumference.

Diameter: The distance from one of a diamond’s girdle edges to the opposite side.

The bottom part of a diamond, from the girdle to the culet, is known as the pavilion.

The facet at the gemstone’s tip is called the culet. Without assistance, the selected culet is not visible (classified as “none” or “small”).

The height of a gemstone measured from the culet to the table is its depth.

Diamond Shape Is Not The Same As Diamond Cut

Although they are occasionally used synonymously, the terms “diamond cut” and “diamond shape” have different meanings.

Diamond cut evaluates how well a diamond reflects light and is dependent on a number of elements, including dimensions, symmetry, and polish (the general state of a diamond’s facets).

The contour of a diamond is connected to the diamond form. Despite the fact that the round brilliant diamond is our most popular form, we also have nine stunning non-round diamonds that can help you save up to 25%.

What Diamond Cut Has the Highest Price?

Every time someone mentions an engagement ring, the topic of a carat is brought up. Actually, the diamond cut has the potential to influence the price the most. Because they maximize light performance and produce the most impressive sparkle, the Ideal cut diamond and the super-ideal Neptunes Blvd are the priciest diamond cuts.

At Neptunes Boulevard, each loose diamond has a GIA certificate.
The non-profit Gemological Institute of America (GIA), which was founded in 1931, is the foremost expert on pearls, colored stones, and diamonds in the world. This lab is renowned for its reliability and unbiased diamond grading methods.
The most expensive diamonds in the market are those that come with GIA grading reports. The GIA has examined and rated each loose diamond on Neptunes Boulevard. Every diamond information page includes a GIA diamond certificate.

Using the GemEx BrillianceScope® Analyzer, diamond light performance is evaluated.
The light performance or brilliance of two diamonds cut to perfection won’t always be identical. To evaluate diamonds of the same shape, the GemEx BrillianceScope® Analyzer, a proprietary instrument that leverages spectrophotometer technology, measures actual light performance.

Possessing a query?
Call 888-993-4759 or send an email to [email protected] to get in touch with us.
Furthermore, Live Chat is accessible during the majority of business hours.

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